Where there is death, there is hope

Where there is death, there is hope

Had lunch the other day with a friend of my parents they’ve know for over 40 something years - they first met back when both my parents were in uni. I had meet them a couple of times before, the last time I was in the UK (nearly 28 years ago).

They are old now. They have seen a lot. They have fought for change in their communities in many ways.

This was a quote she brought up a few times when we were all discussing waves hands at everything and it has been rattling around in my head since.

Where there is death there is hope for change, referring to the previous generations stuck in their ways not being able to move on, and holding everyone back.

She is over 90 now, and still living in her own place, but alone now, her husband passed away a few years back. I wish there were more 90 year olds with her energy and anger at waves hands at everything, I wish I had that energy.

I wish she would outlive a bunch of 60 somethings who are more stuck in their ways and less accepting of everyone.

Timmy @timmy