Well I feel like shit.
Was supposed to go try and get some photos of the stars tonight with dad. I was exited to do some photography (as in, taking photos with a purpose as opposed to “ohh, that’s neat snaps photo).
We drove up through the Dandenongs to a lookout we had been too before a couple of years back. Got to the carpark and disturbed some people in a couple of cars at one end. I fiddled trying to turn off my headlights in my car that I’m not familiar with and immediately wondered if I had inadvertently signal an intention to the other vehicles 😳
But just after we got to the carpark and waited for the sun to go down a bit more and the clouds to clear I had a massive headache from nowhere. I looked for my car painkillers, but I hadn’t had the car long enough to have amassed a collection of half used packets of pills in the centre console. Even the ones I usually have in my camera bag had been cleaned up by myself at someone point 😫
We did manage to setup our tripods and start taking some photos, but I couldn’t focus on what I was doing and help dad at the same time. Then two cars of yooths arrived in some absolute POS Holdens. The parked up away from us and started revving their engines as much as they could, before they literally cut out and they’d have to start their cars again. They soon seemed to tire of this game and left in a cloud of dust.
My headache was getting worse. I checked the location of the closest open service station and we packed up and left, stopping on the way for ibuprofen and paracetamol.
There are now open boxes of each in my centre console.